Tuesday, January 01, 2008

So... happy 2008... I for one am astonished that it is here... but voila... what can you do, really, except embrace it... and perhaps take time and stock... in a non-judgemental, accepting way... of what life has offered you thus far... and how you live it... which is really, my thought and hope for today... after a week of spending the holidays, with my partner's family... where my only respite from the craziness of family togetherness has been attempting to glide... i.e. learning to cross country ski in the rolling hilly forests of cottage country in Ontario... where a deep breath of air in the woods can give you your monthly dose of prana... My body is tired and my brain is addled... and yet... all i can feel is a deep smile from somewhere within... lighting up with excitement and hope for this interlude and leap into the new year...

many blissings for the new year...

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